go past route 47 and go in the cave up ahed and you need rock clim
You defeat Red on top of Mt. Silver. Talk to Mr. Pokemon and he'll give you the blue/ red orb.
go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there
You go to Mt.Pyre and you go in.You see some stairs on your left,go up there.Go to the top and keep going until you see a couple.Talk to the lady and she gives ou the red orb and the blue orb.
it's escaping me right now as to which orb you get in which game. you either go to mr pokemons after giving him the red scale and battleing red. or as the case may be, you have to buy ss and get it then.
bring it to the top of mt.pier and you will see archie. he is retrning the red orb. go up to the lady and retrn the blue orb now. and......thats it.
You do not have to trade for the Red Orb. Once Red is defeated, just go to Mr. Pokemon's house and he will give you the Red Orb.
no.u must get the red orb
If you beat trainer red go to Mr Pokemon's house and he will give you a red orb.
you have to have both the blue orb and the red orb and have groudon and kygye then go to my. Pokemon and get the green orb then go to the emmbedded
Go to the summit of Mt Pyre and defeat team Magma. The couple at the top will entrust you with the red orb.
after beating the game, go back to mr. pokemon. he gives you the red orb. ( if you have heart gold you get the blue orb.) then you can get groudon ( or kyoger.) bye!
After you beat Red on Mt.Silver, go to Mr.Pokemon's house. He will give you the red orb. Now go to Route 47 and catch Groudon! :D Hope that helps.
go to saffron city go to this pink house and go upstairs and talk to the girl she will ask you to get the clafari doll then go to vermillion city then go south in the game and go in this house get the clafari doll of a man then go out and you see Steve and he will talk to you and after that beat red and then go to silaph. co and you see Steve and he will ask you green orb red orb blue orb green orb is treeko red orb is turchick blue orb is mudkip then he will go outside then go back to silaph.co each time
First beat Red then talk to Mr.Pokemon.
Go to the Embedded Tower on Route 47. When you go in, depending on what orb you have, either Kyogre or Groudon will appear there. Groudon if you have the Red Orb, and Kyogre if you have the Blue.
Go to the embedded tower.
you go to mr.pokemons house and talk to him and hill give you the orb