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go catch Giratina and then go to the Sunshore City gym and fight the gym leader

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Q: Where do you go after you beat the snowpoint gym leader in Pokemon platinum?
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you have to beat the elite four plus the champion

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Beat the GYM LEADER [=

How do I get byTeam galactic on the way to snowpoint city in Pokemon Platinum?

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the lake next to snowpoint city (beat elite four)

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the best way to beat the 7th gym leader is with a fire type Pokemon

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beat the elite 4 then go back to the boat

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you have to of beat the snow point gym leader you have to of beat the snow point gym leader

How do you get regigigigus in Pokemon platinum?

get all 3 of the other regi's data in your pokedex, beat the snowpoint city gym, and go into the temple in snowpoint city

Where is the battle zone in Pokemon platinum?

In Diamond and Pearl, it's called the Battle zone. In platinum, the battle frontier. First beat the Pokemon league. Then, back at home, (you will find out about a boat in snowpoint) go to snowpoint, and ride the ship.

How can you go to fight area in Pokemon platinum?

go 2 snowpoint and find guy near a boat after you beat pokemon leage talk to him

Where is the galactic grunt key on Pokemon platinum?

you have to beat the snowpoint city gym leader go to the lake by the city go to the front of the galactic velstone bilding there will be a grunt talk to the grunt and he will drop the key

How do you get rock climb in Pokemon platinum?

beat gym leader Candice