after you get all 8 gym badges, go to sunyshore cities beach at the way end of sunyshore and talk to the girl there, she will give you waterfall.
In Shunishoart City.
Jasmine will give HM Waterfall to you at the beach after defeating Volkner.
its in the icefall cave in island4
u have to get waterfall from a girl on sunnyshore beach.
one of your party Pokemon has to know waterfall press A on the waterfall it will say it's a waterfall do you want to use waterfall say yes and you will go up the waterfall
in mt.cornet waterfall
In Shunishoart City.
Jasmine will give HM Waterfall to you at the beach after defeating Volkner.
its in the icefall cave in island4
u have to get waterfall from a girl on sunnyshore beach.
one of your party Pokemon has to know waterfall press A on the waterfall it will say it's a waterfall do you want to use waterfall say yes and you will go up the waterfall
Empoleon doesn't learn waterfall unless you teach it with an HM.
find the waterfall and surf into it ( you dont need HM Waterfall)
You have to first get waterfall from the girl on the beach and then use surf until you find a waterfall
you get it from Jasmine after beating the Sunyshore Gym.
To get HM7 (Waterfall) in Platinum you can get it at Sunyshore City talking to Jasmine at the north of the city.
behind the waterfall in Mt.Coronet