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Right outside the galactic hq, talk to the grunt and then looker will come and give you the storage key. The building in front of you is not the warhouse though, you have to go around to the upper left hand corner of the town and there will be the warehouse where the "Looker" will be there to unlock the door inside for you. i had this same problem and i was trying to use the key for the wrong door the whole time!

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Q: Where do you get the storage key in Pokemon Platinum?
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In Pokemon Platinum you dont get the key from a grunt you get from the detective, before getting the key you have to go talk to prof. rowan in the library .

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The Storage Key opens the Galactic Warehouse in Veilstone City. It is dropped by a Galactic Grunt in Veilstone City after you beat Jupiter at lake Acuity.

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go on Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough you'll might get the idea.

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Is the Rotom key event for all three of the Pokemon games for the DS or just platinum?

It's exclusive to Pokemon platinum version.

When is the next secret key event for Pokemon platinum?

check for info on upcoming events for Pokemon Diamond,Pearl,Platinum.

Where do you get the key card in Pokemon Platinum?

platinum is coming to America in 2009 ask someone in japan