Pokemon (Pikachu is a character.) is owned by Pokemon International. So any site other than the copyright owner would be an illegal site.
at srb2.org or type in google srb2 wad downloads
type in google hyper sonic wad
http://www.srb2.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=13291 Best Blaze wad 'round.
maby u should check the fourms
There is,but I have no download links! :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tXWSeUMOSQ Copy and Paste to address bar
you download them from srb2.org and you can find them at:vbulletin.com/srb2 wads
at srb2.org or type in google srb2 wad downloads
The question would be where to find "a" wad,and you can find a lot of character wads at the srb2 forums.
SRB2 forums too It is in the wad Super Mystic Sonic, and you get to it by a warp token.
try skyninjas wad uploader
PM me on the SRB2 forums and I can send you it, if you're still around. - Warpshade
type in google hyper sonic wad
srb2 forums NAH, t comes with the latest SRB2 Riders and is called wizard rider and you have to unlock mirror mode and select wizard rider when your playing it.
I cant tell you, because i need help too sorry :(
http://www.srb2.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=13291 Best Blaze wad 'round.
type in hyper wad then you will see a youtube clip and a picture of hypersonic on it click it then scroll down the a sentence will be highlighted in blue click it then you have finished.