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there is no such thing in Sapphire

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Q: Where do you get the shovel kit on Sapphire version?
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How do you get a shovel on Pokemon Sapphire?

sorry but ya don't

Can diamond version and sapphire version trade Pokemon?

i don't think so since sapphire is a game-boy version and diamond is nintedo ds version but since sapphire is a game-boy version you can migrate Pokemon from there.

How do you get a exploror kit in Pokemon Sapphire?

you cant get an explorer kit Pokemon Sapphire dosent use wi-fi you can get an explorers kit at Pokemon diamond, Pokemon pearl, Pokemon platinum and that's it :[]

In Pokemon Sapphire where do you find groundoun?

Sadly, you can't catch Groundon is the Sapphire Version, however you can in the Ruby version, you will find him in the same place you find Kyorge in the sapphire version.

How do you get spiritomp on sapphire?

Spiritomb is not available on Pokemon Sapphire Version.

Where do you find a shovel in Pokemon platinum?

in the explorer kit if you are thinking if going underground ,bot otherwise i don't think that you can get a plain old shovel.

Where do you obtain a shovel in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

You can not get a shovel in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. But you can get an explorer kit to dig underground in diamond & pearl. To get a explorer kit you go to Eterna City and go to the house next to the Pokemon center. Talk to the old man in there and he will give you a explorer kit.

How do you connect Pokemon Diamond to Pokemon sapphire?

you need to have the sapphire version in the gameboy slot and the diamond version in the other slot

Can you go to the moon in sapphire version?


Can you catch Deoxys in sapphire version?


Can you trade Pokemon with emerald and sapphire?

only when you get the national dex on Sapphire version

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how do we get the TM avallanche in pokeemon sapphire version