well wat u do is go to the poketech company and in 2009 talk to the president and he will give you 765 master balls!
you can find the move tutor on route 221
Dive is absent in Pokemon pearl,diamond,platinum,heartgold,and soulsilver . But will return in Black/White =-)
You cannot get the TM Fissure in Pokemon Pearl. Fissure hasn't been a TM move since Pokemon Red and Blue.
he is in one of the houses in canalve
dig isn't a hm move on Pokemon pearl
After you caught or battled Palkia go to Lake Verity and once you encounter it it'll flee. You need the Map Poketech App and look for where it is. You also need Pokemon with the Shadow Tag or Arena Trap ability or they have the move Hypnosis, or Mean Look. Make sure the Pokemon is faster than Mesprit.
yes as long as the move is available anywhere in the gamealthough Pokemon is awesome
All three caves on Pokemon pearl are all in the centers of the three lakes. you must have the HM surf to get to them and you must have deafeated/captured/ran to/from Palkia which can be found on to pof mt cornet to capture the three lengedary pokemin containded in these caves you must also have the Pokemon app Pokemon marker which can be fpond in jubilife city in the poketech building. when chasing the lengendary Pokemon you cant use the HM move fly or the will flee.
Tm58 is a pokemon move called endure
the hm dive is not available in pearl.
Splash. It does no damage.
There isn't one. :(
in canalave city under the Pokemon center
There isn't a tm for the move flail in Pearl.
you can find the move tutor on route 221
The Pokemon is called Smeargle. Its move "sketch" has the ability to PERMANENTLY copy the first used move of the Pokemon it is battling.