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You get the coin case in yellow by going into the building in Celadon city.It is the second house under the Game Corner,and go talk to the guy in the upper left corner.That who gives it to you.

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Q: Where do you get the coin case in Pokemon Yellow?
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Coin case in Pokemon Yellow?

In Pokemon Yellow, you can obtain the coin case from a man sitting at a table in the cafe in Celadon City. The purpose of the case is to hold coins for use at the Game Corner. In Pokemon Yellow, the Coin Case can hold up to 9,999 coins.

Were do you buy coins for you coin case on Pokemon yellow?

You can get those at the Rocket casino at Celadon. Talk to the person at the counter.

How do get another coin case in Pokemon FireRed?

You can only get one coin case.

Where do you find Abra in Pokemon Yellow?

You buy it at the coin exchange

Where can you get coin case in Pokemon sapphire?

You get the coin case in the house next to the game center in mauvile town.The lady will give you it.

How do you get a coin case in pokemon platnum?

you talk to the guy that is next to the girl who massages your Pokemon

How can you use the coin case in Pokemon platinum?

play the pokeslots

Where do you get a Coin Case in Pokemon?

Buy harbor mail then go to the house next to the casino talk to the lady and she will give you the coin case

Can you get an amulet coin from Pokemon Yellow and if you can where do you get it?

No, only in the later versions of the game do you have the ability to make Pokemon hold items. (Amulet Coin is a item that only works if Pokemon hold it) P.S. Meowth!

Where do you get the coin case in pokemon heartgold?

It's in a building in goldenrod city.

Where do you get coin case in Pokemon Crystal?

golden rod city underground

Where do you get the amulet coin in Pokemon Blue?

Amulet Coin is a Hold Item, and Blue version did not have the capabilities of attaching Items to pokemon. Gold, Silver and Crystal were the first games to come up with the Amulet Coin, and you can not transfer to blue via Pokemon Stadium 2 Color Case and Metal Case.