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Ask around the town. I recommend asking the mayor.

I asked the mayor and ginnee

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Q: Where do you get the clues for who is the right martin Mysims agents ds?
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Where is the secret passage to the crystal room in mysims agents?

It is behind the fireplace on the right wall. You can access it if you manipulate the broken clock by the door.

Where is Katie and Tobor in MySims Agents?

Katie lives in East Village(section directly right of Town Hall Plaza). Tobor lives in the Petting Zoo, which is only accessed from Bayside.

How do you follow Thief V on MySims agents?

You have to know when he turns around and stay close but not to close if you do it right his hideout is the cave by the waterfall... DAGAMESPURON'S Answer: When I TRIED to follow him I failed about 10million times. But you will get there in the end. U have to learn from ur mistakes. When you actually get to the Crystal Falls place with all the fallen trees you have to hide a lot and make sure you stay behind him.

Where do you find Jade in MySims Kingdom for Wii?

To find Jade, you need to get your Metal Detector(4th item on the menu at the top right of the screen) out and search in Cutopia.

How do you get to level 2 stars on mysims agents ds?

After you go to the big rock , behind a house in station plaza,you will find an empty spot where the map was, after that ur assitaint wll take a pic and you explain it to him. Then "Martin" will show up and then another "Martin" will be right behind him. You have to go all around, But i would recommend going to Ashley, The Mayor, And if ur lucky Tim. Ask the Questions and pick "Right Martin". After that, You see the Infamous 'V'. Ur Assitaint will call him Names, and breaks his mask. Then U have, U, ur assitaint, the REAL martin, looking all mad at 'V' and then U and ur Assitaint, try to Chase 'V'. He was fast, so u let him go. After the Newspaper article... U are level 2. Good Luck, The u see Kiyoko (Katie), Violet, Chaz, Michelle, and Lynsay ( After the phone call, and getting an artifact....) Anyway, U also have to do some crazy missions, such as make Ashley Happy.... Help Gino and Ginny find a pizza nabber, put some stuff in front of Michelle's House and More. Good Luck and have a "Berry" Good Adventure!

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Where is shirley on mysims agents?

On My Sim's Agents for Wii, Shirley is on Main street right past the statue, you go right and her shop is right there.

Where is the secret passage to the crystal room in mysims agents?

It is behind the fireplace on the right wall. You can access it if you manipulate the broken clock by the door.

Where in east village is violets cats bow in mysims agents?

right in frunt of the empty house between the flowerr shop and the clothinng store.

Where is the map located in mysims agents?

Inside V's Hideout. After you replay the frogs in the right order a door will open and you will find the map. -Tyler

Which is the real martin in sims agents?

he is the one on the right (pilot guy)

How do you get up the elevator in SPA Headquarters In Dumb My Sims Agents?

There is no elevator in SPA Headquarters. Unless you are talking about the door to the far right. You just walk up to it and hit the checkmark. I am talking about Mysims Agents for the DS, so I'm sorry if you mean the wii version. And what's with the adding of the offensive adjective?? Last time I checked there was no game called "Dumb Mysims Agents".

What is the solution to the speaker repair at the disco in mysims agents?

Large gear only goes in the one place. Put the small Gear lower right of large one and connect with the belts.

Where is Katie and Tobor in MySims Agents?

Katie lives in East Village(section directly right of Town Hall Plaza). Tobor lives in the Petting Zoo, which is only accessed from Bayside.

Where is the jet in mysims agents?

first enter your HQ now go to the top floor and onto the balcony now in the corner there is a platform (if you cant see it it is in the bottom right corner or top right it depends where you are looking from ) now go on to it and press a

Where do you find the saucers in mysims agents?

I dont know, i have looked everywhere and I just can't seem to find them. Can some1 plz help us right away cause i can't move on without finding them

How do you modify your analyzer on MySims Agents for Wii?

You need to ask dr.F and then go up the staris to the back right corner of the room and then do the repairing

How do you catch a king salmon on mysims agents?

go to the cristal waterfall at night ok i need help! Ive searched everywhere it says at the waterfall at night in the morning at violets flower shop honestly where is the right answer!?