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After you get the Master Ball, go to the Dance Theater. You will find all five Kimono Girls waiting for you. They will challenge you to a Battle against them. Win and you receive the Clear Bell or Tidal Bell.
after you get the master ball from professor elm, go to ecutreak city and go to the dance theater. there you will find the five kimono girls waiting for you and they will battle you. (note:their Pokemon are all eevee evolutions) after you beat all five, you will get the clear bell
if you want to get lugia,you only need the silver wing
You need to beat the last gym, then Professor Elm will call you and give you the Masterball. He'll tell you that you need to go see the Kimono Girls. Defeat all of them in a battle and they'll give it to you.
the clear bell is for lugia, isn't it .

if you want lugia in heartgold you only need the silver wing .

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Q: Where do you get the clear bell in Pokemon HeartGold?
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How do you get the clear wing in Pokemon HeartGold?

there is no such thing, but there is a clear bell

How do you get a clear bell in Pokemon HeartGold?

After defeating the 5 Ecruteak's Kimono Girls they'll give you the Clear Bell.

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Rainbow Wing and Clear Bell

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you dont need a second bell. p.s its called a tidal bell in soul silver

Can you catch hoho in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes. You will be able to find Hoho on top of the bell tower after you have the rainbow wing and the clear bell and you can get lugia too

Who do you get the clear bell from on HeartGold?

YoU GeT ThE ClEaR BeLl WhEn YoU GeT ThE 8tH BaDgE FrOm ClAiRe YoU ThEn MuSt BaTtLe ThE KiMoNo GiRlS ThEy WiLl GiVe YoU ThE ClEaR bElL

Where do you get the bell?

In heartgold and soulsilver you can get the CLEAR Bell after beating the komoto girls.

How do you get a clear bell in HeartGold?

Defeat the kimono girls

How do you find Ho-oh in Pokemon heartgold?

Once you get the Clear Bell you go to the top of the Bell Tower. The Kimono Girls will be waiting up there. They will do a dance and Ho-oh will appear

Where do you get soothe bell in pokemon heartgold?

You trade any Pokemon for Jasmine's Steelix, and it will be holding a Soothe Bell.

Where is the Bell Tower in Pokemon Gold?

The Tin Tower is in Ecruteak City, which has been renamed in HeartGold to the "Bell Tower is north of the city. You will need to obtain the rainbow wing and the Clear Bell in order to get Ho-oh.

How do you get clear bell on heartgold?

you have to beat 5 Kimino girls (chinese ladies) with the eevee forms and they give you the clear bell when you get to the top of bell tower.