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There is not a TM Zap Cannon. There is TM 91 Flash Cannon. You can get it at Route 9, or Route 12. (I forget what one)



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Q: Where do you get the TM zap cannon on Pokemon heart gold?
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Is the move zap cannon a TM in HeartGold?

It is in Heart Gold

Where can you get zap cannon?

Zap cannon cannot be obtained in Pokemon RSE

What is the Pokemon that has TM zap cannon?

Zap cannon isn't a TM.

In Pokemon gold can hoothoot fly in which level?

Level 94 But must have the skills earthquake & zap cannon

How do you get zap cannon TM?

Zap cannon is a move in the Pokemon series of games. It is not possible to get this move as a TM.

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Regice learns Zap Cannon at level 65.

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not sure but probably a ditto

What moves does Magneton learn and when in Pokemon LeafGreen?

he can learn zap cannon

After find generators part in Pokemon gold?

After finding the part, go back to the power plant and talk to the manager He'll give you his zap cannon

How do you get to skatetown in dizzywood the kids website?

Its really easy. Get the zap power or wait for some-one to zap the cannon.( If u don't have zap go on Giggly and wait for someone to charge up the cannon). Then go in the cannon and you get there!!! You will know the cannon's been charged as it will glow gold for maybe a minute.

How do you get zap cannon in FireRed?

How to get zap cannon in fire red