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If you want the Pokemon Modifier you will first need to buy an Action Replay cheat code and type in the extremely long code for it off

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Q: Where do you get the Pokemon modifyer?
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Pokemon modifyer code

What is the action replay ds code for mew?

just Google the modifyer code and dirictions u can use the Pokemon modifyer to get any Pokemon at all! ;-)

How do you use the Pokemon modifyer in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?

You can't.

What is the code for wild Pokemon modifyer on Pokemon Diamond?

Yes, there is heart scale Pokemon modifier and master ball mod

What is the code for rare Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

Well it matters which pokemon you want. Just use the pokemon modifyer And it will let you get any pokemon on you pokedex

What is the shaymin action replay code for white?

Go under pokemon modifyer codes and click Shaymin.

How do you get sihny Pokemon in diamond?

You can use Pokemon modifyer or action replay. The chances of getting one normally are something like 1/8200.

What is the Pokemon platinum Action Replay code for a shiny Gyarados?

my guess is, using both the wild Pokemon modifyer code + the shiny wild Pokemon code hope it helps

What is the action replay move modifyer code for Pokemon pearl?

try going to code junkies website ( They have it I think.

How do you get a Arceas in Dimond?

You can't except if you have an AC (action replay). After you get an AC, find the cheat code to get an arceus. I perfer the Pokemon modifyer.

Do you need to use a modifyer on cpt code 55250?
