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when you get all 16 badges go to Celadon City, to Celadon Condominiums go to the elevator, to the third floor the you will find a man in front of a global world

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Q: Where do you get the Hoenn sound?
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How do you get the hoenn sound on Pokemon SoulSilver?

To get the Hoenn Sound, you must first defeat Red at Mt. Silver. Then, on any Wednesday, tune your PokeGear to the Pokemon Music Channel to listen to the Hoenn Sound.

What is the hoenn sound?

On Wednesdays, the Radio Station channel "Pokemon March" is playing the Hoenn Sound, which, when playing in certain areas, causes Pokemon from the Hoenn region to be available for battle in the wild. There is a total of 10 Pokemon that can be caught using the Hoenn sound.

What does hoenn sound mean?

There are 2 special shows on the radio: The Hoenn sound and Sinnoh sound. These shows are only available on the Pokemon Music Channel once you have defeated Red at Mt. Silver. On Wednesdays, the Pokemon Music Channel will air the Hoenn Sound. With this sound playing, walk around to find Pokemon that can be from the Hoenn Region.

What Pokemon do you get with Hoenn sound in Pokemon Heart Gold?

u can catch special hoenn Pokemon in certain areas of the game while playing "hoenn sound" on your radio. for example, on wendsday (the only day u can get hoenn sound on the radio) i caught an absol at union cave. to use hoenn sound, on a wendsday play the top left part of your radio while in the grass or cave or whatever and exclusive Pokemon from hoenn should appear. also u can play sinnoh sound on thursdays.

Can you catch hoenn pokemon in heartgold?

Yes, you need to complete the Johto Pokedex to get the Hoenn Sound device, which allows you to catch Hoenn pokemon in the wild.

How do you get in to hoenn in Pokemon HeartGold?

In HeartGold, you cannot enter the Hoenn region however you can find Pokémon that are found in the Hoenn region in HeartGold by playing the Hoenn Sound on the March Channel while you're traveling through routes however the Hoenn Sound is only available on Wednesdays.

How do you get to the Hoenn region in heart gold after you get all the gym leaders pokegear numbers?

You don't get to the Hoenn region. You can only get some Pokemon from Hoenn by listening to 'Hoenn Sound' on Pokemon Music on Wednesdays in certain places.

How do you find the Hoenn sound in Pokemon soul silver?

Tune in your radio card in Wednesdays to find hoenn Pokemon in the grass.

How do you get to the hoenn sound in Pokemon HeartGold?

go to the radio on wedsdays and got to the places where the poke dex says hoenn pokemons are

Do you need the Hoenn sound to find surskit in the johto safari zone?


How do you catch a zigzagoon in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find him in five places. The first is at the Burned Tower on the first floor while playing the Hoenn Sound. The second is at the Burned Tower on the basement first floor again, while playing the Hoenn Sound. The third is at Sprout Tower while playing the Hoenn Sound. The fourth is at Tin Tower from the second floor and up while playing the Hoenn Sound. The last place is on the Poke-walker in the Hoenn field.

Where can you find a makuhita in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Use the hoenn sound on the radio which is only on thursdays. Sinnoh sound is wednesdays