red gyarados is merely a shiny gyarados. they apear at random the same way you encounter a regular gyarados. dont go looking for one either, because chances are one in a million. same goes for any other shiny pokemon.
The red qyrados is just a shiny grados and u can get gyrados when fishing with a good/super fishing rod imn Sinnoh
In emerald any other game you go fish in the ocean. use your super rod and keep killing fish. but ever time you fish in a spot you move. i did this in emerald. where the 8th gym is and i caught a golden magickarp. this evolved into the shiny red gyrados. :) no you have to have a action replay code for shiny permanent and the Pokemon modifier to get it that is how i got mine
you get the gyrados scale after defeating or capturing the red gyrados,then if you show it to mr pokemon,he'll trade it for an exp share
It exists only in Johto. Its just a shiny Gyrados. Fish for Gyrados, in 10, 000 tries you are sure to get one. That's how rare it is.
to get a red gyrados you have 1% of finding a red gyrados and you have to use a super rod to find a red gyrados.
they dont have a red gyrados
catch a shining magikarp or shining gyrados
go and train gyrados at lake valor it worked for me
Actually there is no red Gyrados. I mean there is, but a red Gyrados is a shiny Gyrados.
Keep on fishing for Gyrados with your Super Rod, and pray that you'll find a shiny.
red gyrados is just shiney gyrados use the shiney code and find gyrados
red gyrados is actually a 'shiny' gyrados, meaing it's just a weird thing that the Pokemon games have were every couple 10,000 Pokemon or so. so in order to obtain a red gyrados you would have to go through quite a lot of finding a shiny gryados or shiny magikarp(if you evolve taht it should stay shiny)
you get it somewhere at a lake preferably on rt 230 i dont know my friend told me!
The Red Gyrados drops it. If you already fought the Red Gyrados, you should already find it.
Gyrados's shiny color is red to get a red gyrados is very hard it takes 8000 chances or so to see it keep finding gyrados until its red.