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On route 34.

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Q: Where do you get ralts in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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How do you get a gallade in soul silver?

First, capture a Ralts from a Pokemon Swarm (or trade from someone else). It must be a male Ralts. Then, evolve it into a Kirlia. Then, use a dawn stone to get a Gallade.

Where to find ralts in soul silver?

Route 34.

How do you get Ralts on Pokemon SoulSilver?

the Pokemon guide book tells you wherethe only way i know how to get a ralts in soul silver or heart gold is to listen to the radio in the poke-gear and when it says "a swam of RALTS" (must say ralts) on route 34 go to the route and the very last group of grass go to the back near the tress and just hope you find one

Where is Ralts in Soul Silver?

It is not found in the Jhoto region so you cant

How do you catch Kyogre in Pokemon soul silver?

sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver

Where to gind kirlia in soul silver?

To get Kirlia you must get a ralts. To get Ralts you must have beaten the Elite Four. When you have, check the pokegear radio show "Pokemon Talk." The swarm changes each day. You must check every day until it's Ralts. For more details, try these sites. -Jpegurl

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon soul silver?

According to there are 493 Pokemon in Soul Silver.

Where is the Pokemon contest on Pokemon soul sivler?

You can't do Pokemon contests in Pokemon soul silver.

What is Pokemon SoulSilver version about?

Why Soul Silver is about the original Pokemon Silver game for game boy. Soul Silver has some more bonuses.

How do you get a silver apricorn in Pokemon soul silver?

There is no Silver Apricorn...

Where do you find a shiny Ralts on Pokemon Gold?

Ralts does not exist in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. It was added with Ruby and Sapphire. If you're referring to HeartGold version, Ralts can be found on Route 34, but encountering a shiny Pokemon is a 1/8,192 chance, so it could take weeks to months. If you use the Masuda method and breed your Ralts with a Pokemon from a different country the chance of the Ralts that hatches will be increased to a 1/1638 chance of being shiny!