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you get them at the casino

if you don't already have the casino walk from the Maine path into Vesta's farm area on the 8th of spring

There are 3 card games you can play in the Casino. Before you play the games you need to find the Sprites that run them! The memory game Sprite, Jum, can be easily found in Romana's fountain. Tep, the Blackjack Sprite, is hidden in the potbelly stove next to the Inn, and Hops can be found if you check out the well next to the Blue Bar.

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Q: Where do you get pineapple seeds in harvest moon ds cute?
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How do you get pineapple seeds in harvest moon island of happiness?

You must ship 100 Soybeans to unlock Pineapple Seeds.

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How do you grow pineapple seeds on harvest moon?

You can't grow seed on harvest moon ds you just have to buy them

What does Kai like in harvest moon cute?

Kai loves pineapple and also likes some easy things to get like bread, oil, wine and eggs.(You can buy those from the supermarket. Pineapple seeds can be bought at the sprite tree)

Harvest moon ds cute How to get Kai to like you?

Kai's favorite thing is pineapple. You need to grow it in the summer. You can get the seeds from the casino for medals. Keep on giving him this and visit everyday and buy something! Hope it helped! :)

When Kai's birthday is on harvest moon ds cute?

Kai's Birthday Is Summer 22.The best Gift to give him is a Pineapple.

How many children can you have on harvest moon cute?

On Harvest Moon D.S. Cute you only have ONE.

How can you be a boy on Harvest Moon DS Cute?

You can only be a girl in Harvest Moon DS Cute

How do you get a rabbit on harvest moon ds cute?

You cannot get a rabbit in Harvest Moon DS Cute.

Where do you buy seeds in Harvest Moon DS cute?

You can get seeds 4 ways in harvest moon D.S. Cute 1. Buy them from Vesta's Shop 2, Buy them over the phone from Karen's Supermarket. 3. Make you own with a maker 4. Get them as a gift from you Anniversary or birthday from your spouse.

Harvest moon ds cute codes?

none :( there are glitches for the boy version of harvest moon ds though. but for harvest moon cute, they were fixed :(

On Harvest Moon DS can you be a girl?

no, but you can be a girl farmer in harvest moon ds cute. the two games have different stories and harvest moon ds was the inspiration for harvest moon ds cute as more girls were found to be playing the game than boys at the time of the beginning of the launch of harvest moon ds cute.