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Q: Where do you get meowth in Pokemon FireRed?
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What is a good team to beat Pokemon firered?

bulbasaur, nidoran blue, doduo, meowth, picachu

When does meowth evolve in pokemon firered?

Your Meowth will evolve into Persian when it reaches the Level 28. Remember that only Meowth can learn the move "Pay Day", so wait until it learn this before evolving.

What Pokemon knows pickup on Pokemon FireRed?

Meowth, Aipom, Tediursa, Phamphy, Zigazoon, Linoone, Pachirisu, Munchlax, Yerterii, and Ambipom

What is payday on Pokemon FireRed?

a move that gives you money at the end of battle. Meowth Has it.

When does meowth learn assurance in FireRed?

Meowth will learn assurance at level 41.

What are some FireRed exclusive Pokemon?

Growlithe or Arcanine, Ekans or Seviper and Meowth or Persian there is more on Serebii if you need to know.

Where do you catch a meowth in Pokemon Silver version?

You must trade it from FireRed or LeafGreen, or have it traded from Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XD. In Pokemon C., it would have already been traded from a FireRed or LeafGreen. In Pokemon XD, you can catch it in Phenac City.

What level does meowth evolve on FireRed?

Level 24.

Which franchise is the character 'Meowth' from?

The Pokemon character 'Meowth' is from the Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokemon franchise. Meowth first appeared in Pokemon Blue as a version exclusive Pokemon.

How do you catch meowth in Pokemon Yellow?

Meowth is not in the wild in Pokemon Yellow. You have to trade to get it

Does Pokemon Yellow have Meowth and were can you find it?

Pokemon Yellow does not have meowth and it can only be obtained by trade.

Can meowth learn cut FireRed?

Yes, by using the HM01.