I have gotten level 2 clue scrolls from the guards in Burthorpe and from cockatrice in the slayer cave of Relleka. you have the best chance of getting level 2 scrolls form guards if your a low level. I recomend going to falador
if you are looking for a level 3 clue scroll which i recommended i would fight jelly they are the best for clue scrolls if you don't have the slayer level I recommended ranging hell hounds. You can get form 100k-114m off of Level 3 clue scrolls. You can get 400 million if you get really lucky with the third age armor.
see the link too see what monster drop what clues. Level 21 guards are the lowest level NPC to drop them. For higher levelled players, Level 83 Cockroach soldiers found in the Stronghold of Player Safety can also be slain for level 2 Clue scrolls. A monster found to have a fairly high drop rate of these scrolls is the pyrefiend. i have also found that dagannoths under the lighthouse which requires completion of horror from the deep drop a clue very frequently
Trimmed amulets can not be created by players. They are from Treasure Trails in the members part of Runescape. To start a treasure trail you need to get a clue scroll. These are dropped by almost every monster in runescape. I reccommend Jellies (78) to get level 3 clue scrolls, Guards (28) to get level 2 clue scrolls and Men and Women (3) to get level 1 clues.
yes. white kingts do drop clue scrolls,any monster drops clue scrolls.
Clue Scrolls are random drops from monster that will lead you to a hidden treasure There are 3 different types of clue scrolls, the higher the clue scroll, the better the reward: lvl 1: These are the easiest clue scrolls, they are dropped by low lvl monsters and the clues are easier to work out lvl 2: These are medium difficulty clue scrolls, they are dropped by medium lvl monsters, and will have a mixture of lvl 1 and 3 clues. lvl 3: these are the hardest clue scrolls, they are dropped by high lvl monsters, and will be the hardest to work out. When you work out a clue scroll and search the chest, create or dig in the right spot, you will either get: another clue scroll (Then you work that one out) or your treasure. For more info check here: http:/runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Clue_scroll
They drop level 2 clue scrolls.
Monsters around levels 1-35 drop Clue Scrolls with level 1 rewards. Monsters around levels 40-70 drop Clue Scrolls with level 2 rewards. Monsters 75+ drop Clue Scrolls with level 3 rewards. The higher the reward number, the better
clue scrolls are scrolls that you try to beat when you do everything you will get reward they members only and you get them from killing monsters you have three different levels of clue scrolls the higher the level the harder the clue scroll the harder the scroll the better reward the level three clue scrolls you need to defeat high level monsters in the wildness and that is how you get rune trimmed and saradomin armour and guthix and rune gold trimmed etc...the high level the scroll the high level the monster you need to kill to get the scroll.
Yes; they drop level 3 clue scrolls.
if you are looking for a level 3 clue scroll which i recommended i would fight jelly they are the best for clue scrolls if you don't have the slayer level I recommended ranging hell hounds. You can get form 100k-114m off of Level 3 clue scrolls. You can get 400 million if you get really lucky with the third age armor.
see the link too see what monster drop what clues. Level 21 guards are the lowest level NPC to drop them. For higher levelled players, Level 83 Cockroach soldiers found in the Stronghold of Player Safety can also be slain for level 2 Clue scrolls. A monster found to have a fairly high drop rate of these scrolls is the pyrefiend. i have also found that dagannoths under the lighthouse which requires completion of horror from the deep drop a clue very frequently
you can get them from green drags anything 80+ really
Trimmed amulets can not be created by players. They are from Treasure Trails in the members part of Runescape. To start a treasure trail you need to get a clue scroll. These are dropped by almost every monster in runescape. I reccommend Jellies (78) to get level 3 clue scrolls, Guards (28) to get level 2 clue scrolls and Men and Women (3) to get level 1 clues.
yes. white kingts do drop clue scrolls,any monster drops clue scrolls.
Yes, pickpocketing H.A.M guards is a popular way to get easy clue scrolls. They have a great drop rate for easy clue scrolls and involve no combat but can be frustrating due to the fail rates and being kicked out of their base. If you are a higher level I'd recommend you just fight higher level monsters and get medium or hard clue scrolls as they give better rewards.
If you mean a medium clue scrolls then try killing Guards, Giant Rock Crabs, Men/Women (level-24), Tribesman, Cockatrice, Dagannoths, Harpie Bug Swarms and Rock Crabs.
al-kharid warriors for low level clue scrolls