get the gold teeth in the safari zone then give them to the warden he is in the house right to the Pokemon centre then you give him the gold teeth and he will give u strength!!!!
you get hm strength and hm defog after defeating two gym leader.Fantina(defog) Byron(strength).
Correction: it is an HM, but it is in Nimbasa City. The house behind the Pokemon Center, a blue haired guy will give it to you.
If you have beaten Mauville Gym and have gotten HM ROCK SMASH, go to RUSTURF TUNNEL and clear out the rocks. The digger will grant you HM STRENGTH.
In Olivine City, go to the Pokemon Center. Don't go in. Then, if you're there, go left, to the building next on the left. In there, are to the man sitting at the table. He will give you the Strength HM
You can get the HM Strength at Nimbasa City. One of the buildings behind the Poke Center will have a man with blue hair and will talk to you about the HM Strength and will give you it.
you get hm strength and hm defog after defeating two gym leader.Fantina(defog) Byron(strength).
Correction: it is an HM, but it is in Nimbasa City. The house behind the Pokemon Center, a blue haired guy will give it to you.
If you have beaten Mauville Gym and have gotten HM ROCK SMASH, go to RUSTURF TUNNEL and clear out the rocks. The digger will grant you HM STRENGTH.
he needs his gold tooth find it in the safari zone and give it to him to receive HM 04 Strength
Go to Nimbasa City, go to the building above the battle house, which is next to the Pokemon Center, and ask the blue-haired person on the 1st floor. After hearing his talking, he'll give you HM Strength.
From a man in the building north west of the Pokemon Center in Nimbasa City.
At the secret house of Safari Zone.
In Olivine City, go to the Pokemon Center. Don't go in. Then, if you're there, go left, to the building next on the left. In there, are to the man sitting at the table. He will give you the Strength HM
find the Wardens gold teeth in the safari zone and bring them to him