The only way to get a gligar in pokemon soulsilver is to trade with pokemon heartgold.
You cant capture Gligar In soul silver. Only in heart Gold
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gligar can only be caught in HeartGold. He is on Route 45. Otherwise, you will have to trade for him.cant u have trade it over from heartgold
You can not catch gliglar in ruby and saphire. You can catch it in diamond pearl and platinum. And later on heartgold and soulsilver.
You cant capture Gligar In soul silver. Only in heart Gold
Only obtainable in Heart Gold
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gligar can only be caught in HeartGold. He is on Route 45. Otherwise, you will have to trade for him.cant u have trade it over from heartgold
im pritty shur it gligar the starters pecatchu and heracross
You can not catch gliglar in ruby and saphire. You can catch it in diamond pearl and platinum. And later on heartgold and soulsilver.
You can't. Gliscor was not a Pokemon before diamond and pearl. sorry. only in pearl,platnium,diamond,heartgold,soulsilver
same as growlithe, gligar, mankey and phanpy, you can't get phanpy in Pokemon soul silver, only available in Pokemon heart gold.
You don't Gliscor in Pokemon Gold. Gliscor only appears in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Heartgold/Soulsilver or generation 4.
Gligar is rare in dimond and pearl but not in Platinum Gligar but you have to use a heavy ball.
yeah sorry but it's different from soulsilver because soulsilver has teddiursa and skarmony while heartgold has phanpy and gligar I'm sorry but you are mistaking i found a gligar,teddiursa, and skarmony in soul silver so that means that phanpy has to be there to in both games.