You can go shopping for food for your Moshi Monster in Monstro City. Go to Main Street and go to the Grossery Store. Or go to Bleurgh Beach and buy food at McDolphins.
You can also read the Daily Growl as they sometimes give away Secret Codes for food in the Daily Growl.
A Moshi is what the monsters are called: "Moshi Monsters". You can not catch a Moshi Monster, you adopt a Moshi Monster when you start your Moshi Monsters account. Choose carefully as you can not change your Moshi Monster once you have verified the account.
Moshi Monsters recently added a new place to get food. You can buy food for your Moshi Monster at the Gross-ery Store on Main Street or at McDolphins on Bleurgh Beach.
Monsters have different food preferences so you should buy different foods for your monster and see which he/she reacts best to.
The largest monster on Moshi Monsters is the Furi, so if you want a fat monster, adopt a Furi.
on the moshi monster misson
You buy food for your Moshi Monster at the Gross-ery Store on Main Street.
You cant get a doctor on Moshi Monsters but if your monster is ill you can buy loads of food at the food shop.Add me on moshi monsters my user name is thomk061
A Moshi is what the monsters are called: "Moshi Monsters". You can not catch a Moshi Monster, you adopt a Moshi Monster when you start your Moshi Monsters account. Choose carefully as you can not change your Moshi Monster once you have verified the account.
There is no Carrot Island on Moshi Monsters.
Yes, there is a Moshi Monster with the name dodococobird23 on Moshi Monsters.
No, you can not give a monster away on Moshi Monsters.
Go to the Grossery store and there will be a whole selection of food for your monster.
you need to feed it the correct food
Moshi Monsters recently added a new place to get food. You can buy food for your Moshi Monster at the Gross-ery Store on Main Street or at McDolphins on Bleurgh Beach.
You can't send food. After you buy it you have to feed your monster with it.
moshi monsters
poppet is the main monster on moshi monsters followed by furi.