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to get flash, you go through diglet's tunnel, then go past the first house and cut down that tree. you will find one of those pass through places with one of Proffessor oak's aides. he will give it to you

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Q: Where do you get flash in Fire Red?
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Who can learn flash in pokemon fire red version?

Paris can learn cut and flash

How do you get past the rock tunnel in Pokemon fire red version?

Get Flash from a guy a route 2 Get Flash from a guy on route 2

Which hm can you use after you defeat the 3rd gym leader in Pokemon fire red?

Flash, I believe.

What if you already got the HM flash from the aide in Pokemon fire red?

Go to the rock tunnel in the east.

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You need flash and you find flash close the viridian city ;)

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You cannot. Flash Cannon was not introduced until Generation IV, and Fire Red is a Generation III game...and a Generation I game.

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Hm05 is flash..if you need flash you need to win the 1st gym badge. You need to beat brock

What pokemon can use flash on pokemon fire red?

Only the electric types. Like Abra and the ters its good for

How do you get through rock tunnel in Pokemon fire red?

Get a Pokemon that can learn flash and put them in your team , teach them flash and go through following the ladders like Mt Moon

Is there a way to get flash after you have entered cerulean city in Pokemon fire red?

Yes you can't get the HM until you get to vermilion city however if you trade with a friend and that friend gives you a Pokemon that knows flash then you can have flash by the time you reach cerulean city.

What are 3 modes in flash?

Auto flash, Red Eye flash, and no flash

Where should you go after you get the HM Flash in Pokemon Fire Red?

Now you can go through rock tunnel which is east of cerulean city.