No, you cannot
Emotes can be done by clicking on the emotes in your canned chat bar (located next to the chat bar) or typing /*name of emote* in the chat bar. The following "secret" emotes can also typed and done through your chat bar, but are not in your canned chat bar:/dance2/unsheath/use/swordplay/salute
Sometimes, there might be hidden emotes on Club Penguin. It's on your keybord. Press E and then another letter or number! Try it!Press E and then:1234567890QWTUIOPDFGHKLZCBNMThat's all the emotes. Here's one for you:☺
The cap in fiesta online is currently 105, when the game started the cap was 20, then they upgraded it to 50, to 89, to 105. there is now a new highest level it goes to what i know so far 132
Um u can but u may get banned very easily after.
Fiesta Online was created on 2007-11-07.
Yes , we have emotes in minecraft .
There are no cheats.
i dont think you ca do emotes on poptropica unless you use the multiverse thing-a-ma-bob
Well actually, you buy them at AL (Angel Lyceum), they sell for around 1.5M, pretty expensive, huh?
um magazines
i would say Fiesta Online
No, you cannot
Emotes can be done by clicking on the emotes in your canned chat bar (located next to the chat bar) or typing /*name of emote* in the chat bar. The following "secret" emotes can also typed and done through your chat bar, but are not in your canned chat bar:/dance2/unsheath/use/swordplay/salute
2006 or 2007