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use the action replay and enter the X999 master ball cheat and catch other peoples Pokemon cheat and challenge Cynthia and get her Garchomp

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Q: Where do you get dragon Pokémon on Pokémon pearl?
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When was The Dragon Pearl created?

The Dragon Pearl was created on 2011-03-06.

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i just breed pearl and vampire and i get a zombie dragon

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Palkia and Giritina can learn dragon claw.

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How do you get pearl dragon on Dragon City?

buy it or breed ice metal

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Where do you get a dragon fang in Pokemon pearl?

The dragon fang boosts the power of dragon type moves. In Pokémon Pearl is possible to find one being held by a captured Bagon.

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Can you get a legendary Pokmon in Pokmon arcoiris?

Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(