use the action replay and enter the X999 master ball cheat and catch other peoples Pokemon cheat and challenge Cynthia and get her Garchomp
The dragon fang boosts the power of dragon type moves. In Pokémon Pearl is possible to find one being held by a captured Bagon.
You have to battle a legendary Dragon-Pokemon in Pearl. You will have the greatest chance by facing Giritina, Diagla, Palkia, Darghina, Charizard, or Ghalstone. (Darghina, Charizard, and Ghalstone are not legendary Dragon-Pokemon, but they will supply you with a dragon scale).
you can get a dragon scale by catching a wild seadra , dratini or dragonair and hope it's holding one.
This all depends on what you like better. If you like a steel-dragon for diamond or water-dragon for pearl. Though they both do have all the same pokemon except for the two dragons. But it all comes down to what you like.
The type Palkia is :water dragon. I know because i have him on my pearl game.
The Dragon Pearl was created on 2011-03-06.
in order to breed a pearl dragon, you have to be level 10
Digimon World DS Monster Farm/Rancher games Dragon Quest Monster games Devil Children games
i just breed pearl and vampire and i get a zombie dragon
Palkia and Giritina can learn dragon claw.
buy it or breed ice metal
The dragon fang boosts the power of dragon type moves. In Pokémon Pearl is possible to find one being held by a captured Bagon.
Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(