You go to Azalea town and headbutt the trees in Azalea town or on route 33.
Headbutt trees near mountains
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
aipom's evole is a Pokemon from the next generation after emerald so its impossible to receive him.
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
Aipom is #190 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Headbutt trees near mountains
5 Pokemon to get in the beginning of the game: Mareep Pidgey Bellsprout/Oddish Aipom And then your Cyndaquil.
You can find Geodude, Rattata, and Spearow in the tall grass, and Aipom, Heracross, and Spearow by using Headbutt on the trees.
Do you mean SoulSilver? In SoulSilver you catch them by headbutting trees in Azelea Town and the Ilex Forest. It took me forever, but I found one :) Hope that helped--Taylor
we get an aipom from anywhere check your pokedex
Aipom is a Normal type pokémon.
You cannot catch aipom in leafgreen however you can in emerald or Pokemon colosseum.
you can't catch aipom in leafgreen but you can get one from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon emerald.
put honey on a tree for aipom but for ambipom evolve aipom
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
aipom's evole is a Pokemon from the next generation after emerald so its impossible to receive him.
you need to either trade for it or migrate one from Sapphire or ruby version. you need to go by the ice path and use head but that's how i found one