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You can get bathing suits of any kind in the Gift Shop's catalog and the Sport's catalog. But they won't always be around. It depends on the seasons and the type of catalog there is. So keep an eye out for those bathing suits.

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Q: Where do you get a two piece bathing suit in club penguin?
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How do you get a bathing suit on club penguin?

First you have to go to the gift shop then click on the bathing suit you want. then go to your inventory and click on it then exit out and you will have a siut!

What suits in Club Penguin?

There are many suits in Club Penguin... Black Suit, Clown Suit, Robot Suit, just to name a few..

What is a 1 piece bathing suit called?

It is a bathing suit with a top piece (covering the breasts) and a bottom piece (covering the groin and buttocks). The word "bikini" was first applied to this apparel by Louis Réard in 1946, following the US atomic tests at Bikini Atoll.

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At the club penguin store while your a mamber

What is a bathing suit?

A bathing suit is a tight-fitting garment worn for swimming, especially a one-piece garment as worn by women and girls.

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What is a bikini?

A bikini is a two-piece bathing suit worn by women.

Is there such thing as a ninja suit in club penguin?

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get a code or book

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You get it from the catalog.