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The thunderstone is easy to get. First you go to Celadon city, then into the department store then you go to the fourth floor. and it costs 2100

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Q: Where do you get a thunderstone in Pokemon Yellow?
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Does pikCUE evolve in Pokemon Yellow?

No. If you offer it a thunderstone, it will refuse it.

How do you evolve Eevee into Espeon in Pokemon Yellow?

give it a thunderstone

In Pokemon Yellow what Pokemon can be evolved using stones?

the only one i no is pikachu evolves into raichu with a thunderstone

What Pokemon use the Thunderstone in Pokemon Ruby?

Pikachu+Thunderstone=Raichu Eevee+Thunderstone=Jolteon These are the only 2 pokemon that evolve with the thunderstone in pokemon emerald

What do the shards do in Pokemon ruby?

You can trade them for evolution stones eg. yellow shard = thunderstone

Where can you find a thunderstone on Pokemon Yellow?

You can buy one at the Celadon Department Store, on the fourth floor.

What level does Pikachu evolve on Pokemon Yellow?

There is No Specific Level Pikachu Needs a Thunderstone to evolve

Where do you get a thunderstone where do you get a thunderstone in Pokemon FireRed?

On FireRed (and LeafGreen, Blue and Yellow) you can BUY thunderstones, firestones, leafstones and waterstones at the department store in Celadon city. It's really easy.

What Pokemon evolve with a thunderstone in Pokemon White?

Tynamo will evolve into Elektrik will evolve into Elektross with a thunderstone in Pokemon White.

How do you get a thunderstone in Pokemon Emerald?

You need surf, you'll find on at New Mauville (the route is under the cycle bridge to the east) There'll be a thunder stone in the complex. You can also collect Yellow Shards from using Dive in the Ocean and trade them for a Thunderstone. Otherwise you can simply trade with FireRed/LeafGreen with a Pokemon holding a Thunderstone.

What Pokemon needs a thunderstone in soul silver?

You can use a thunderstone on pikachu

In Pokemon platinum what Pokemon evolve using a thunderstone stone?

The Pokemon that evolve using a thunderstone are: Pikachu into Raichu Eevee to get a Jolteon