It is impossable to get one in Pokemon diamond,but there might be one in Pokemon platinom...... hope that helped!
You can catch wild Tauros on Routes 38 and 39 during the daytime.
Depends...What do you think?
it depends on the level. If they were all the same level, I'd take tauros
Nope. You Cannot. Sorry!
TaurosGo to Area 3 of the Safari Zone. In the grass there is a 4% chance that when a Pokemon appears it will be Tauros.
you have to have Pokemon ruby to migrate it
Unfortunately, you can't evolve Tauros because it has no higher evolutions!
go to the safari game in pastoria city
Route 209 and in the southern part of Route 210.
Tauros can be found at Area 3 in the safari zone.
Tauros does not have any evolutions and will not evolve at any level in Pokemon Soul Silver.
Sorry Tauros does not evolve, but future Pokemon games may change that.
breed. mostly breed what baby you want with a ditto.example: tauros breeds ditto=baby tauros. another way is to breed what baby you want with what baby you want example:tauros breeds tauros=baby tauros
PokeRadar is something in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum that Rowan gives you after you complete the Sinnoh Dex. It allows you to catch rare Pokemon usually not available. Examples of these Pokemon are Bagon, Tauros, Miltank, and Swellow.
Tauros is #128 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Tauros can be found in the Safari Zone usually in Area 3.