You talk to the fisherman on route 44 in Kanto his house in on the dock.
explore a bridge in kanto
The only Dragon type Pokemon Introduced in Pokemon Silver was Kingdra, who you have to evolve, Dratini can also be found in the Dragon's Den underneath Blackthorn City by using the Super rod and Good rod and on Route 45 by using a Super rod. Dragonair can be found in the same locations by using the Super rod
Fishing in Vermillion with a Super Rod.
verillon city in the house next to the poke center
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
explore a bridge in kanto
The only Dragon type Pokemon Introduced in Pokemon Silver was Kingdra, who you have to evolve, Dratini can also be found in the Dragon's Den underneath Blackthorn City by using the Super rod and Good rod and on Route 45 by using a Super rod. Dragonair can be found in the same locations by using the Super rod
It is in Kanto on Route 12 (Fishing Guru)
Fishing in Vermillion with a Super Rod.
Mostly safari zone
verillon city in the house next to the poke center
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
on Wednesday the 2nd 2011 on Pokemon talk prof oak will tell you that you get them by using your {old rod good rod super rod} and you get them in violet city.
After completing the pokemon league in the Jhoto region, go to the Kanto region and talk to a man in a house on Route 12. He will give you a Super Rod.
they are the good rod the u get the super rod and finally u get the master rod and u also get to catch diffrent pokemon with each rod answerd by benbower-rose
The Super Rod is not obtainable in Pokemon Indigo/UnovaRPG.
Super rod.