You can get growlith at route 201 and 202 if you have Pokemon firered insterted.
It was once thought to be legendary, but then it was pronounced not to be. It is rare though, because you can only get growlithe on certain games like FireRed and HeartGold. You can't get Arcanine directly, it has to be evolved using a firestone on Growlithe. You can't get Growlithe on Emerald, LeafGreen, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum or SoulSilver.
yes you can
Yes. The easiest way is to migrate. The way to do it without migrating is Route 202 (Fire Red Inserted)
you cant sorry
Misty is not in Diamond/Pearl. Sorry.
you need to get a growlithe and evolve it i dont think you can find growlithe in pearl platinum or diamond
Evee - Flareon Vulpix - Ninetales Growlithe - Arcanine
Growlithe can be found along Routes 201 & 202, but only if Pokemon Firered is inserted in the GBA slot.
I'm pretty sure that you can't get Arcanine in Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You have to trade it from FireRed or another game that has Growlithe, then use a fire stone on it.
It was once thought to be legendary, but then it was pronounced not to be. It is rare though, because you can only get growlithe on certain games like FireRed and HeartGold. You can't get Arcanine directly, it has to be evolved using a firestone on Growlithe. You can't get Growlithe on Emerald, LeafGreen, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum or SoulSilver.
up your but
yes you can
Using the FireRed Dongle method, in Diamond and Pearl you will find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Elekid and Gengar and in Platinum you'll find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe and Gengar.
I'm pretty sure that wild Growlithes are around the entrance to Stark Mountain in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
Yes. The easiest way is to migrate. The way to do it without migrating is Route 202 (Fire Red Inserted)
Routes 201 and 202.
To get a Growlithe in Pokemon Pearl you need Pokemon Fire red inserted in your Game Boy slot.Also you need the National Pokedex.He can be found at route 201.