Go into the cutters house after getting the rustboro city gym badge.
HM 05 is flash
A HM is a move is a move that can be tought to as many Pokemon as you like but the Pokemon has to be able.
talk to Wallace
Tropius and Gyarados together can learn all of the HM's.
HM 05 is flash
A HM is a move is a move that can be tought to as many Pokemon as you like but the Pokemon has to be able.
The Pokemon that can learn any move from TM's and HM's is Mew.
He isn't in Pokemon Emerald. He is only in pokemon Blue,Red, and Yellow. Sorry.
Zigzagoon and liloone
talk to Wallace
Tropius and Gyarados together can learn all of the HM's.
you recieve the hm waterfall after you have deafeated the elite 4
After you beat leader Norman