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that's Fly right? if so go on the way to fortree, the highest up city on the right. on the way there you will have a rival battle, if you win you get fly, if you lose, sucks for you. you will have to do the weather institute crap first

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Q: Where do you get HM02 in Pokemon Sapphire?
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It is by the secret hideout where you get HM02. HM02 is Fly.

How do you get HM02 fly in Pokemon Black and?

After you beat the 5th gym Bianca, she will give you the HM02 Fly

In Pokemon sapphire where can you find fly?

After you beat Team Aqua at the Weather Center, and cross the wooden bridge, May will initiate a battle with you. If you beat her, she'll give you HM02 (Fly) as a reward.

Where to get fly in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You get HM02 from Chuck's wife after defeating him.

In Pokemon Diamond how do you teach Pokemon to fly?

unless you completely suck at Pokemon, you should have gotten the HM02 fly. now go to your HM pocket and hit use on HM02. use it on any Pokemon in your inventory it says "able" on. congrats. you can now fly.

How do you get HM02 in Pokemon ruby?

Simply defeat your rival after beating Team Magma/Aqua at the Weather Institute on Route 119. She/he will give you HM02 (Fly) after you defeat them.

Where can you find Pokemon's mansion in Pokemon sapphire?

There is no Pokemon mansion in sapphire.

Where do you find MrCortnent in sapphire?

He is not in Pokemon: Sapphire. You will not be able to find him. He is in Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Pearl, and Pokemon: Platinum. You will definitely have trouble finding him in Pokemon: Sapphire.

What Pokemon can you get when you have Pokemon sapphire in the bottom slot but Pokemon Diamond is on?

Any Pokemon in sapphire but you have to migrate

Where is regigigas in pokemon sapphire?

You cannot get Regigas in Pokemon Sapphire as it is from the next generation of Pokemon

Who gives you the HM02 in Pokemon emerald?

On route 119, your rival will give it to you after you beat them in a battle.

What Pokemon can breed in Pokemon Sapphire?

All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.