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TM 28 (dig) can be found in Route 114, in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Go into the house at the top of the route and talk to the fossil maniac's little brother inside. He will give you Dig.

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Q: Where do you get Dig for Pokemon Emerald?
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Where is a Pokemon with dig in emerald?

i want a Pokemon with dig for open the cove of the regis

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Which Pokemon knows dig on Pokemon emerald?

Dig is a TM, and you can teach it to most ground types.

Can you teach dig to a Pokemon in emerald that has forgoten it?

Yes, you can teach a Pokemon the move dig after it has forgotten it.

What Pokemon on emerald learns dig?

u can teach vulpix dig.

What Pokemon comes with the move dig in Pokemon emerald?


Which town in the Pokemon mart is dig in Pokemon emerald?

None of them.

How many dig are there in Pokemon emerald?


Can you buy the TM dig in Pokemon Emerald?


Where can you dig in Pokemon Emerald?

In a battle or a cave

In Pokemon emerald can the Pokemon vibrava learn the move dig?

it can if you teach trapinch dig before you evole it

Pokemon emerald what Pokemon can learn dig?

Most Ground Pokemon and some fighting types; I have a blaziken that knows dig.