Blaziken is a Fighting and Fire type pokemon.
If you have it, a male blaziken or a ditto.
you cant
Blaziken, Flygon, Ludicollo, Gardevoir, Manectric, and skarmory or vigoroth
Think about the pokemon's type and appearance, that helps me decide a nickname for my pokemon. Blaziken is a bird so maybe something bird related with its type like Flamebird or Blazebird.
Combusken evolves into Blaziken at Level 36.
The perfect team for the elite four in Pokemon pearl is a dragonite blastiose charizard blaziken lapras and alakazam.
I have a lv.100 ho oh, lugia, groudon, kyogre, celibi, and blaziken.
Blaziken is a Fighting and Fire type pokemon.
Torchic evolves into Combusken at Level 16, then it evolves into Blaziken at Level 36.
Blaziken (sometimes wrongly spelled as Blazican) is a fire type Pokémon. The only way to get it in Pearl version is through a trade.
If you have it, a male blaziken or a ditto.
Blaziken is available in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Blaziken is the evolved form of a starter available in those titles, Torchic.
No, Blaziken is at its final stage of evolution
There are several Pokemon that will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon Emerald. These include Pikachu, Sandshrew, and Vulpix.
In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, level 32.In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, level 36.In Pokemon Black and White, level 41.