Get national dex, go to old granny's house on route 7 and talk to her and listen to her tale and go outside and it will be storming and it's roaming and it's there if there's a huge thunderstorm. It's level 40
You cannot,Tornadus is only availible in Black and White.
Tornadus isn't in Pokemon white, so you have to trade from Pokemon black... if you get Thundurus and tornadus, go to the abundant shrine and the third one will be there. i cant remember his name though...
you cant catch it you have to get it from a friend that has Pokemon black or get from a gts tradeYou can't the only way to get Tornadus in Pokemon White is by using cheats or by trading it from Pokemon Black.
No, Tornadus cannot evolve in Pokémon Black however as of Black 2 and White 2, it is capable of changing forms.
The only way to register Tornadus in your PokéDex in Pokémon White is by arranging a trade with someone that has Pokémon Black and has caught Tornadus.
You can't get a Tornadus in Pokemon White. If you need a Tornadus you'll need to trade for it from a Pokemon Black version.
Tornadus is exclusive to Pokemon Black, you have to trade for it.
You can't get Tornadus on Pokemon White. Tornadus only appears in Pokemon Black and the only to get it is to trade it from Pokemon Black.
Reshiram and Tornadus are found in black ONLY.
sorry but you cant get tornadus in Pokemon white :(Tornadus is a version-exclusive Pokemon to Pokemon Black, so you must trade to get it.
I'm sorry, but u can only find him in Pokemon White. I think Tornadus is in pokemon Black though.
Tornadus is version exclusive to Pokemon Black, you'll have to trade for it.
Tornadus is a roaming Pokemon that does not stay in one place.
Tornadus is a version exclusive Pokemon, exclusive to Pokemon Black.
Tornadus is a Pokemon Black exclusive pokemon, you'll have to trade for it.
The legendaries on Pokemon black are Tornadus, Kyreum, Reshiram, Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion. I can help you find them, too!
you can only get tornadus in black or you can trade.