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Top-quality milk can only be used/obtained during the Cook's Assistant quest. To get it, you will need to use a bucket (or milk a dairy cow with a bucket in your inventory) on a dairy cow after talking to Gillie Groats in the cow field north of Lumbridge.

After the quest, it is not possible to gain top-quality milk.

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Q: Where do you find the the bucket of top-quality milk in Runescape?
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Where do you find extra fine milk on runescape?

In Lumbridge go to the cow pen, go to the back of it and you will find a prize cow. Normally a bucket will respawn in front of it so you won't need one, if there isn't one there then buy one from the general store. Milk the prize cow with your bucket and you will obtain extra fine milk. - iKnow iType --> aka ~1z Poison~ from Runescape.

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First, you need milk. You can get this from the grand exchange, or by using a bucket on a dairy cow. Next, you need a piece of chocolate. Find this in the cooking guild, or again, on the grand exchange. Lastly, use the chocolate on a pestle and mortar to get chocolate dust. Combine the chocolate dust with the bucket of milk to obtain chocolate milk.

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You can not find milk in Minecraft. Rather, you must craft a bucket and use it on a cow's nipples.

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Churning cheese is for members only, but if you luckily are, it's pretty simple: 1. Get a bucket of milk (doesn't matter where you get it). 2. Find a butter churn such as the one on the 2nd floor of the Cooking Guild near Varrock. 3. Click the churn & choose whether you wish to make butter, cream, or cheese.

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a pint of milk

How do you make a bucket of milk in minecraft?

You use a bucket on a cow.

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You pull the utters of a female cow above a bucket and the milk should go into the bucket.

Where is the milk on Minecraft?

You can get milk with a bucket. To make a bucket, you have to get 3 Iron Ore and turn them into Iron Ingots in a furnace. Then craft that into a bucket. If you right click on a cow, you can collect milk from it. Sometimes it takes multiple tries to get milk.

Can you milk a cow in minecraft?

Yes, you have to craft a bucket. You put the bucket in your hand, walk up to a cow, and right-click on it. That should fill the bucket with milk. If not right-click on it again.

How do you get unpoisioned in Minecraft?

Drink a bucket of milk.