Speak to people everywhere! Also, it might be on the floor in a pokeball.
Find a razor fang: Route 225 {48BP} Battle Frontier
There is no razor fang in emerald as Gliscor does not exist in the third generation.
route 214
In order to get a razor claw you need to have Gilgar hold the razor fang at night and level up. You can find a razor fang on Route 214.
I think u find it near the last gym
you do not get it from anyone you have to find it near the battle zone
Find a razor fang: Route 225 {48BP} Battle Frontier
you find it at route 214 near the battle frontier hope this helped from Pokemon trainer Devin
In diamond and pearl you can only get it from battle tower for 48BP and in platinum you can get it from route 214.
on solaceon town down
There is no razor fang in emerald as Gliscor does not exist in the third generation.
In pokemon platinum, diamond, and pearl in victory road somewhere. I think it's near the 2nd floor?
In order to obtain a Razor Fang, you need to be able to trade it from either Heartgold, Soulsilver, or Platinum. Those are the only one's I know that have Razor Fang.
route 214
In Pokémon Platinum, you can find a Razor Fang in Route 214 and you could also buy one for Battle Points in the Battle Frontier.
In order to get a razor claw you need to have Gilgar hold the razor fang at night and level up. You can find a razor fang on Route 214.
somewhere in the victory road...i think near a battler....