Sorry, I don'tt believer there is one in my references.
But in Pokemon Black/White there is one on ROute 13, if that helps.
In the Whirl islands you can find a Horsea or a Seadra and sometimes they are holding a dragon scale.
go to blackthorn and go to clairs poppa.
Use the Dowsing Machine on Route 20. You'll eventually find one.
you can not get regirock in soul silver but in platinum you can in a special event.
MT. Silver
In the Whirl islands you can find a Horsea or a Seadra and sometimes they are holding a dragon scale.
You can get it by going to the pokeatolon point shop.
go to blackthorn and go to clairs poppa.
go to lake rage and catch red gyrodos
If you are talking about rock climb- Go to If you are talking about a heart scale, they are prizes at the pokeathlon dome
On the pokewalker in some routes
rocksmash in cinawood
Use the Dowsing Machine on Route 20. You'll eventually find one.
You have to catch or defeat the red GYARADOS
rock climb
you can not get regirock in soul silver but in platinum you can in a special event.
there isn't