It is where Giovanni is then use the itemfinder.It will show 4 stars instead of arrows.
trade it
Usually you can find it in seafoam islands.
leaf green only.
You can't find Eevee in Pokemon Ruby, but you can trade for it from Fire Red, Leaf Green, and XD.
You can't catch a poliwag in Pokemon Sapphire. You have to trade from Pokemon Fire Red or Pokemon Leaf Green.
Nimbasa city
The Macho Brace doubles any effort values the Pokémon holding it gets, but halves its Speed in battle. It doesn't make you find Master Balls.
go to battle frontier find smeargle give your Pokemon macho brace make it slow then smeargles move is struggle
you download cheat from here just copy and paste to bar up top
you can get the items only when you want just remember where they are, must use the itemfinder.
There are numerous ways i will name them all: Protein ups attack to get it go to the celadon dept store and head to the 5th floor talk to the cashiers and find the one that sells protein. Also there is Iron which highers defense which is also sold at the dept store and same cashier on the same floor, careful its expensive! Also buy 10 of each that is the maximum you can give to your Pokemon although on rare occasions you can use more or less. Now there is an item called macho brace to get it beat Giovanni(the last gym leader) and talk to him until he goes away now stand in the spot where he was and use the itemfinder you will dig up a macho brace, have a Pokemon hold the macho brace then start leveling it up its attack and defense will increase even more but its speed will go down when using the brace but it won't go down negatively what im saying is it will not decrease by 1 point it will either increase by zero or 1. Finally the last harsh method, somehow someway you must have your Pokemon get infected with pokerus its a virus in the game, but it increases there stats drastically, to get pokerus catch ALOT of Pokemon.
there is no green type pokemon. Sorry
you can find them in MT.Ember
You Just find it
you can not find the Pokemon teddiursa on Pokemon leaf green however you can find it on poken emerald :) :)
in any Pokemon center you will find the green guy. only after you have recived a mystery gift
trade it