After defeating all 8 kanto gyms, go in the cerulean cave. Search everywhere and you will find it.
You get it from The Power plant use your item finder thing its by where you catch cerulean cave
put in Pokemon fire red and there will be a elekid with an electrizer in the valley wind works field.
mt mortar
You can find the Electrizer in Cerulean Cave after you defeat all sixteen gyms and battle the elite four for a second time.
buy it at the rare Pokemon store
You just have to look for it along the road, in caves, or anywhere you can find items. That is where I found mine
You can find electrizer in valley windworks.
you have to catch an elekid because some elekids are holding an electrizer
In Kanto's Cerulean Cave.Cerulean Cave. You must have 16 badges, and rock climb.
You need an electrizer you can get one in the cerulen cave it need to hold the item and you need to trade it
You get it from The Power plant use your item finder thing its by where you catch cerulean cave
Catch Elekid on route 204, the electrizer is held by him (50%)
put in Pokemon fire red and there will be a elekid with an electrizer in the valley wind works field.
you don't
1. Find an Electrizer item 2. Trade the Electibuzz with the Electrizer to a friend and it will evolve
You give it to an electrabuzz and trade it and it will evolve into electivire.
mt mortar