In any of the gates eading in and out of cities e.g The North East gate of Nimbassa cit.
Joltic the electric bug pokemon found in chargestone cave.
The new Electric Pokemon introduced in Black and White are: Blitzle & Zebstrika Emolga Joltik & Galvantula Tynamo, Eelektrik, & Eelektross Stunfisk Thundurus Zekrom
When the electric boards say there is an outbreak of Pokemon in route 10 that is where you can get one
Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.
Ground types are great against electric types so find yourself a decent ground type Pokemon and train it a bit then use it.
yes but you just have to look at the electric bulletin board to see where he is now
After obtaining the National Dex there will be a massive outbreak (Or a swarm) on the Electric Bulletin Board. If they say Route 1, then go there to catch Farfetch'd.
There is a massive thunderstorm on the route that Thundurus is on. To save you walking around all the routes, (as it is a roaming pokemon) look on the electric bulletin board on the border parts on the routes, and it will explain that there is a freak storm on Route ... Hope I helped.
The electronic bulletin boards are in every gate. Gates are between every town/city and route
Any electric type pokemon.
grass types
i have Pokemon white, its zekrom electric dragon 2nd in ranking of 649 Pokemon of all games.
makes electric type Pokemon evolve
You can't. It's exclusive to pokemon black (or you can poketransfer or trade) In pokemon black, it's a swarm pokemon on route 11. You'll see swarm notifications on bulletin boards in gates
The electric whiteboards were invented by Geaghan Bernard, Atwood Stephen, and Sprague James.
Joltic the electric bug pokemon found in chargestone cave.
get the national dex and wait till the evening to board