Sugar canes are naturally found on dirt and grass next to the water.
sugar cane is found by water (but not really in the water by the snow
you have to find sugar cane witch is always near water and then destroy it and replant it.
You can grow: Mushrooms Trees Sugar Cane Wheat
how to make paperS standing for sugar cane on the crafting bench at the bottom row put them in this configuration. B standing for blank.BBBBBBSSSThree sugar cane in a line so the -'s are sugar cane ---You need 3 sugar cane,then go to a crafting table
Right click it near water, wait, and it'll grow.
sugar cane is found by water (but not really in the water by the snow
You find sugar cane which is found by water and put it on a crafting table like this SSS S=Sugar cane
you have to find sugar cane witch is always near water and then destroy it and replant it.
You can grow: Mushrooms Trees Sugar Cane Wheat
how to make paperS standing for sugar cane on the crafting bench at the bottom row put them in this configuration. B standing for blank.BBBBBBSSSThree sugar cane in a line so the -'s are sugar cane ---You need 3 sugar cane,then go to a crafting table
Get sugar cane seed things and place them right near water. They wont grow 1 or more blocks away.
You need light, water, soil, and patience.
it is random but it grows faster on sand
Right click it near water, wait, and it'll grow.
Find the reeds (the bamboo looking plant). Cut it and you'll get sugar canes. Then, you can craft it with a crafting table. Put one sugar cane on the 3rd row of the crafting table square, in the 2nd column.
Sugar cane refers to the tall grass plant from which sugar is extracted. Cane sugar, on the other hand, is the crystallized sugar that is processed and refined from sugar cane. In short, sugar cane is the raw plant, while cane sugar is the refined product.
1st: Find Wild Sugar Cane 2nd: Pick up the Sugar Can 3rd: Build a Farm with every dirt piece touching water 4th: Do NOT hoe the dirt 5th: Hold the Sugar Cane 6th: Go into your Farm 7th: Right Click any piece of dirt with the sugar cane 8th: Wait..... (Or put Bone Meal on it) 9th: Destroy the grown Sugar Cane 10th: Congradulations, make what you want with your sugar cane (Ex: Paper, Books, Enchanting Table, Bookshelf, Sugar, Cake, Cookie, Fermented Spider Eye, Potion of Swiftness, Map, And-Or Book&Quill)