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Around the KND tree house :I Near the chains :I

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Q: Where do you find soulo shells in fusion fall?
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How can you beat the soulo shells in fusionfall?

The Soulo Shells are right at the bottom of the chains in Sector V. However, because they take so long to appear, and players are always on this task, it is nearly impossible to find them and destroy them.

Where are soulo shells?

You can find them by chains that go up to the tree house but they take for ever to spawn i still haven't found one yet.

Where are the soulo shells?

You can find them by chains that go up to the tree house but they take for ever to spawn i still haven't found one yet.

Where do you find the armory in fusion fall?

right behind the fusion waterfall of course!

Where can you find fusion eduardo in fusion fall?

fosters home frankie is there and you can get the cheese nano there to.

Where do you find a tech tunneler in Fusion Fall?

Its in your butt

Where do you find the snails in fusion fall?

Find them in the nearest game store in your town

Where do you find Chowder in Fusion Fall?

Peech Creek Commons

How do you find agent six in fusion fall?

in townsville center

How do you play with friends in fusion fall?

easy all you have to do is find them and log on

Can you us cheat engine on fusion fall?

No you can't use cheat engine on Fusion Fall since they can scan the game they find out there is a interference in the game , and that it is cheat engine.

Where to find level 36 fusion fall accounts?

You cant find it anywhere you noob GET A LIFE