The location to Wailord is to the far right and far down. The location of relicanth is underwater,border of sootopolis island, north of sootopolis island and little east of lilycove city.
When you're in the Sealed Chamber, Relicanth should be first and Wailord should be last.
Train a wailmer to level 40 to get wailord and you can capture relicanth underwater near sootopolis city.
You find relicanth underwater near sootopolis city.
Get relicanth and wailord. Put relicanth in the first slot and the wailord in the last. Then make a pokemon who has dig use dig.
You need relicanth and wailord to catch the regis in sapphire/ruby/emerald. You cannot catch the three regis in platinum unless you have the event Regigigas (this event has now ended). If you have the special regigigas in your party, three new caves will open up in Sinnoh and you will be able to catch the three regis.
Train a wailmer for wailord, relicanth has to be found underwater no other way.
Yes, it always has to be Wailord and Relicanth - Relicanth in the first slot and Wailord in the last in Ruby and Sapphire, and Wailord in the first slot and Relicanth in the last in Emerald.
you have to catch wailord and relicanth then put wailord at the front of your party and relicanth at the end of your party then you go to an underwater place that gives you the location of registeel.
you need wailord and relicanth then go there wailord should be in front and relicanth is back
When you're in the Sealed Chamber, Relicanth should be first and Wailord should be last.
You need a Relicanth and a Wailord.
To get Wailord fish. To get Relicanth, dive underwater and search. -Catsura
you need a relicanth and a wailord
In Pokemon Emerald to solve the Sealed Chamber puzzle you need to put Wailord at the top of your party. Relicanth needs to be at the bottom of your party. This order is the reverse of the order needed in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
Go to the sealed chamber on route 134 and be sure to have a Pokemon with dig, and have WAILORD and RELICANTH in your party
Train a wailmer to level 40 to get wailord and you can capture relicanth underwater near sootopolis city.
In order to get Relicanth just dive preferably near mosdeep city, and be patient. It will appear. And to get Wailord fish with a super rod anywhere and and a Wailmer will appear. Train it to level 40 and it will evolve into a Wailord. That's it!!!!!!!