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Q: Where do you find raja in fossil fighters champions?
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Besides buying them in the shops where do you find Raja Thalasso and Tricera legs in Fossil Fighters Champions?

You can probably find Thalasso legs in lilum village dig sites. However, Raja legs and Tricera legs have been found in the pay-to-dig-site at treasure lake. Raja arms may be found at the desert dig site in cranial isle. Were there legs meant to be hidden forever? Try and see...

How many dinosaurs evolve in fossil fighters champions?

The Super Evolvers are T-Rex Lord,Giga Allo,Giga Spinax,V-Ripper,Despino,O-Raptor Fiend,Ryden,Omias,Barbaros,Dydomio,Galgaron,Zanth,Hibigon,Papygon,Heracies,Buldor,Dimorph Ace,Momo,Kaishin,Marple,Teffla,Mapo King,Giga Raja,Equinas,Shenliu,Buigon,Blitzigon,Nycto Ace,Lugmos,and Geneos.

What four letter words start with R and end with A?

four (4) letter words start with R and end with A: raga. raia. raja. raya. rhea. rota. ruga.

What words end in ja?

4-letter wordspuja, raja, soja5-letter wordsganja, ninja, rioja, thuja7-letter wordsalforja8-letter wordsmaharaja, quillaja10 words found.

Moriya answer in Tantra Quest?

Level 45 Upgrading into the 2nd class needs you to run some quests from Zangzu in Jina Town. You'll be given three quests; Test of Wisdom, Test of Justice, and depends on which type your character will be, the third Test will be different. Satya, Karya, Vidya, and Samabat will get Test of Preserverance. Banar, Druka, Nakayuda, and Abikara will get Test of Destruction. Test of Wisdom Talk to Zongkui in Jina Town, he'll ask you to talk to Moriya in A'Nu Town. Go to A'Nu Town and talk to Moriya, and she'll give you 20 questions that you must answer. The answers are as follows: 1. Vartan 2. 10 3. Indra 4. Nagamudra Hima 5. 5050 6. Apvas 7. Exile Region 8. 1432 9. Ananga Dhevata 10. Amrita 11. 44% 12. Shambala 13. Perang 8 raja 14. 15 jenis 15. Haimayuga 16. Vananta 17. 6 jenis 18. Istana 8 raja 19. Chaturanga 20. 1/126 If you give wrong answer, she'll order you to kill 20 Ananga before you can take another shot. After completing the questions, go back to Zongkui and he'll give you Paper Piece as a proof that you've completed Ordeal of Wisdom. Test of Justice: Talk to Huang Dao Pao in Jina Town, he'll ask you to get rid of the greedy creature in Duel Arena in Mandara Region. Form a party and go inside Duel Arena and kill the Libertine. IMPORTANT!! You have to kill Libertine AS PARTY, otherwise you will never get the needed item. After you get the item, return to Huang Dao Pao and he will give you Friend's Name Cloth as proof that you've completed Test of Justice. Test of Preserverance: Talk to Ouyez, he'll ask you to collect four items: Moon Oxhorn from Bull, Strap Leather from White Tiger, Bow String Tendon from Lizard Boss, and Glue Cell from Mangriang. Kill those monsters until you get the needed items, then head back to Ouyez. He'll then ask you to go to Saranu in A'Nu Town. Talk to her, and she'll ask you to collect 15 Hard Fabrics. Give her the fabrics, she will give you the String, then return to Ouyez and he will give you Blood Cloth as proof that you've completed Test of Preserverance. Test of Destruction: Talk to Iddung Dashu, he'll tell you to see Amar in Shambala Ruin. Amar will challenge you to proof your strength by killing members of opposing Gods. Go to Kruma and find Scout from the other two Gods (example, if you're Vidha then find Sethi Scout and Batara Scout). Scouts are located in Fortress area (you can find all Scouts in your own Fortress). Kill them and get their symbols. Return to Amar, then to Iddung Dashu and he'll give you an item as proof that you have completed Test of Destruction. After completing all the Test , go back to Zangzu, and he'll change you into the 2nd class.

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How do you beat zongazonga in fossil fighters champions?

Well to beat zongazonga get these following vivosaurs:Teffla,Raja and Giga Allo

How do you defeat zongazonga for the second time in fossil fighters champions?

use aeros raja and tricera put raja in the front and dont use him use tricera to get the guys futher out and aeros to get the guys up front dont use raja.

Besides buying them in the shops where do you find Raja Thalasso and Tricera legs in Fossil Fighters Champions?

You can probably find Thalasso legs in lilum village dig sites. However, Raja legs and Tricera legs have been found in the pay-to-dig-site at treasure lake. Raja arms may be found at the desert dig site in cranial isle. Were there legs meant to be hidden forever? Try and see...

What are the best dinosaurs in fossil fighters?

Areos is best but if you use a miraceous fossil rock it's better. Also Raja and Giganto are great team with Areos. But for legendaries I say Igno is very good with defense and ofense!

How many dinosaurs evolve in fossil fighters champions?

The Super Evolvers are T-Rex Lord,Giga Allo,Giga Spinax,V-Ripper,Despino,O-Raptor Fiend,Ryden,Omias,Barbaros,Dydomio,Galgaron,Zanth,Hibigon,Papygon,Heracies,Buldor,Dimorph Ace,Momo,Kaishin,Marple,Teffla,Mapo King,Giga Raja,Equinas,Shenliu,Buigon,Blitzigon,Nycto Ace,Lugmos,and Geneos.

Where the bakul Tree available in Dhaka?

you can find in the raja bazaar

When did Raja Raja Chola I die?

Raja Raja Chola I died in 1014.

Where is the birth place of Raja Raja Cholan?

Raja Raja Chola was born in Thirukoilur.

Where is the burial place of raja raja cholan?

Udaiyalur is the burial place of Raja Raja Cholan.

When was A. R. Raja Raja Varma born?

A. R. Raja Raja Varma was born in 1863.

When did C. Raja Raja Varma die?

C. Raja Raja Varma died in 1933.

When did A. R. Raja Raja Varma die?

A. R. Raja Raja Varma died in 1918.