Here are Ponyta's locations in Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen
Location: ISLAND ONE - at either Kindle Road or Mt. Ember
Encounter Rate: 30 - 35 %
Levels: 31- 34 & 30-36, respectively.
ponyta evolves at level 37
When you catch a Ponyta, it will already know moves like Fire Spin, Stomp, Ember, and Agility. Keep training it until it gets to Level 40 when it evolves. Then it will learn awesome moves.
Yes, after you beat the elite four, a new area will open in the safari zone. You will find ponyta in there.
In Yellow Version, Ponyta is found exclusively on Route 17; its encounter rate is 24%.
u can find it by moltres
on island one in the graas by the spa
ponyta evolves at level 37
There is no Pokemon called Ponytar, but there is Ponyta (ポニータ). Ponyta can be found at Kindle Road and at M.t Ember
40 into Rapidash
You can't. It must be traded from FireRed of LeafGreen.
Ponyta can be found at: Kindle Road and Mt. Ember (FireRed/LeafGreen) Routes 206, 210-South, 211, 214, and 215 (Diamond/Pearl) Routes 206, 207, and 210-South (Platinum) To obtain in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Ponyta must be traded from FireRed or LeafGreen.
not me because ponytas stink and they poo on your foot
It evolves at level 40 or you can use a fire stone.
You have to get to 4 island, and then get growlithe and ponyta of opposite genders, and put them in the daycare. If ponyta is female, then the egg will hatch into a ponyta. If the growlithe is female, then the egg will hatch into growlithe. If either Pokemon can learn a move their dad learns, they will know it when they hatch from the egg.
You cannot find Ponyta. You must get a Rapidash from Route 12 and breed it
You can catch wild Ponyta by walking in the grass on one island on your way to Mt. north to mt ember then if your in the top u can also find moltress then go back down surf to south u can find the treasure beach then u can also find some ultra balls pearls and other things that can be sell in high prices