Nightbane can be fought in AdventureQuest through a quest, to get it go to..
Location: Travel > Darkovia Forest > Dracopyre Legacy > Nightbane's Fortress
then follow the steps listed here�
Its to complicated for me to post correctly.
The Inn > Devourer Saga > Part 6: Unity > 1. The Beginning of the End You have to be level 58+ to access this quest, and you have to be level 100+ to fight the level 500 version of Nightbane. Beware, with the recent buff to the player HP he seems to have become truly unbeatable, since his drain attack is a fixed percentage of the player's max HP.
Join farm
in elemental but u have to complete everything and every quest
Complete the second quest from the amateur juggler in greenguard forest.
The "Battle Monsters" button in Battleon is the Random Adventure. the terror set quest is also random because the guy is weird. or on the map find terror set and go there.
devouerer saga beginig of the end or in his castle
The Inn > Devourer Saga > Part 6: Unity > 1. The Beginning of the End You have to be level 58+ to access this quest, and you have to be level 100+ to fight the level 500 version of Nightbane. Beware, with the recent buff to the player HP he seems to have become truly unbeatable, since his drain attack is a fixed percentage of the player's max HP.
How the hell are you gonna find a code for adventure quest the only things it has is cheat crap
on his shoulders
on acidragon
you find it in frost vil.
blighfang is in darkavioa graveyard,but you have to get to the last quest
u can't
It is the Ghost
Theres no such thing
in a house in willow creek