They are buried in the forest. Look in the hidden cave nearby the lot on the bottom right corner of your map.
you can find some on the sims 3 website or you can go to modthesims2 dot com to find downloads for the sims 2 and 3
Play a musical instrument or paint using the easel.
You get it by painting, playing the guitar, piano and other musical instruments.
You can find a lot over at Mod the Sims. You require a Pose Player to use them. You can also find the Pose Player at Mod the Sims
xm sims is where you find it
you can find them in my bum bum!!!!
Musical notes are apart of a MEASURE.
notes of music
It depends on which specific song from The Lion King you are looking for musical notes on. But, you can find a list of musical notes for the songs and instrumental score music in The Lion King on their site if you type in "Lion King" in the Find Sheet Music search engine featured on the website.
Db are decibels. They are measurement of sound pressure not frequency. They are not musical notes, but their intensity. Musical notes can be measured in decibels. That just tells you how loud they are.
go to or google
Eight notes in an octave.
You can learn musical notes by being taught by an experienced musician who can accurately decifer between notes then they can teach them how to play specific notes.
You can usually find music notes on or just type in 'music notes' and search it in the web or in images! For example: .Your looking for what a crochet looks like... type in 'crochet' on the web and search in images!!
Notes and values are found in music, and in written musical scores. Notes are the melodic notes of a particular pitch, and values are their duration, e.g. crotchet - quarter note, minim - half note, etc.
In most cases you should be able to find those by looking at sites such as and