Mist wood is found everywhere in Wizard101. They're usually found near trees and open areas.
you can buy micst wood at the bazzar for 21 gold.
You can find them randomly scattered around Wizard City, or you can buy some from the bazzar.
Mist wood (along with many other substances) can be found almost anywhere in Wizard101... Some substances can only be found in certain places or near certain things. Mist wood is usually found down Unicorn Way... which is located in Wizard City, The Commons. That is at least where I found it. When you first enter there is a little street.. just ahead you see a pond... I found it around the trees and nearest the pond.
Water and near the Storm Mill(?)
you can find cattails in almost any body of water
you can buy micst wood at the bazzar for 21 gold.
You can find them randomly scattered around Wizard City, or you can buy some from the bazzar.
Usually in grassy or watery areas.
This is the easiest way: 1)Go to Olde Town 2)Close to the entrance there will be a place called the Bazaar,go into it 3)Go to the section of reagents and just find the mist wood in the list and buy it Hope this answer helps. =)
Mist wood (along with many other substances) can be found almost anywhere in Wizard101... Some substances can only be found in certain places or near certain things. Mist wood is usually found down Unicorn Way... which is located in Wizard City, The Commons. That is at least where I found it. When you first enter there is a little street.. just ahead you see a pond... I found it around the trees and nearest the pond.
you can usually find it around the trees near the places where the bosses are. And in triton avenue there are cat tails not mist wood
Honestly, the spawn points are all over the Spiral. But if you don't feel like spending your whole day realm-hopping and going from world to world, I would recommend trying the Bazaar. They always have TONS of mist wood there. And they usually have the entire crafting objects available too, in case you don't want to craft it yourself. The vendors still accept it! Keep in mind the availability of the reagent or crafting item gets lower the higher the level. Dragonspyre items are a lot harder to get then Wizard City items.
behind my house
You find him in Dragonspyre.
it is near the mill on triton avenue
The homophones for "failed to find or do something" and "a fog" are mist and missed.
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