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The Karate King is in the basement of Mt. Mortar, East of Ekruteak in Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and Soulsilver. He has a Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, and will give away a Tyrogue upon defeat.

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Q: Where do you find karate king in soul silver?
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How do you get to kiyo the karate king in Pokemon soul silver?

Mt. Mortar

Where is the karate king in heart gold soul silver games?

He is in Mt. Motar

What to do after you find the karate king in Pokemon soul silver?

Normally, you would battle him. He has a Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, and will give away a Tyrogue upon defeat.

Where can you catch tryoge in soul silver?

breed a hitmonchan/hitmonlee/hitmontop or find the karate master in mt.mortar

In Pokemon soul silver after I battle the karate king in Mt Mortar and get the tyroge where do I go and or what do I do?

If you have battled him he will give you a tyroge then nothing more happens

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you go to the Pokemon league and a karate guy will give it to you after you beat the eliate 22 times

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he does not give you a gym badge, but you fight him at the end of Mt. ortar, rock climb is required. hope that helps...

How do you find the black-belt in mt mortar in Pokemon soul silver?

follow the steps in youtube i found onePokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver- How to get to Kiyo the Karate Master

Where can you find regirock in soul silver?

you can not get regirock in soul silver but in platinum you can in a special event.

How do you get a tyrogue in soul silver?

you have to have the moves surf and can find the move surf when you beat the ecruteak city gym leader and beat the kimono can find the move waterfall on the ice path.then go to mt. mortar and defeat the karate king. after you beat him he will give you a level 10 tyrogue.i hope this helped. :)

Where to find the silver apricorn in soul silver?

there isn't

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Mt. Silver.